The Rest on The Flight into Egypt

I enjoy reinterpreting subjects from the long arc of Art History. In this case we see the bedraggled Holy Family approaching a campsite in the desert. This theme, a family of persecuted refugees, interpreted by many famous artists allows for displaying one’s ability to draw and paint the following: figures in a landscape, donkeys, old men and young maidens baring their breasts in acceptable and holy fashion. And of course there’s the Christ child in his meek and mild mannered post Nativity normalcy. Being a refugee is hardly normal however. Please take note!

Stick people and a horse walk across a flat landscape at night. The stars shine.

The Night Heron

Night herons are real birds. This drawing however is from a specific memory of a heron hunting at low tide below the piers in Nantucket harbor. The world was getting ice cream and strenuously having a good time. Meanwhile, the heron focused on the mud for things to eat. What do you think of that?

Heat Wave Therapy

If you’re looking for a new way to forget the latest heat wave for a little while, try what I do: draw pictures of cold things, cold memories. My go-to is a snowy forest scene where the trees have their trunks sunk down in the snow. These are made with crayon or pastel. The snowy blue shadows might be colored pencil or watercolor. Have fun and stay cool.

Mysterious Landscapes

Paint first, Think later. This is a good way to get started. But sometimes we have to wait a very long time for something less sublime to staff the picture. When the people and critters fail to appear, I realize that this is the way God intended it. We are surrounded by silent and mysterious landscapes. If only we’d listen!

This reminds me of Gulfoss waterfall in Iceland.

Recent Crystal Cities paintings

I’ve said it before, “Crystal Cities are what I paint when I don’t know what to paint.” This is how I prefer to work: into the moment, reacting to my materials and methods, with the confidence that some useful meaning or justification will emerge. It’s a strategy and a form of self-interrogation that relies, somewhat comfortably on a limited set of artistic variables. They don’t teach this in art school! It is borne from necessity and makes its own mysterious path.





Don't You Wonder?

If one pays attention to the news, it seems that humans love to fight. So many do it. We all love a good fight. But just for once (and maybe forever), I’d like to know what we would talk about and do if we weren’t preoccupied with fighting and being mean to each other. Don’t you?


War Theme

The war in Ukraine is close to all our minds and hearts. I try not to focus on it directly as if it were an illustration assignment to solve. But imagery arises easily when onion-domed Crystal Cities appear on my paper.

A crudely drawn couple embraces in front of a castle perched on a red hillside

A couple embraces on a precipice above old Odessa. Their home is a target.

The Glutton

Welcome to the Glutton’s home. His home is very large just like his appetite. You should know that he will try to eat you too. Now that would be something to see! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Is Anyone Home?

Think of the resources marshalled to connect this castle with the distant shore: architects, masons, stone cutters and marine engineers. They built caissons and cofferdams and stationed barges with primitive cranes to hoist and position the carefully carved blocks. Did they have any idea how sublime the rising sun would look on this day? Reflect on the mind of a seagull: the sublime is the humdrum to them.

Bleak Birdy Business

I try to work quickly with my very limited imaginative and artistic resources. My process: 1. Deface the white paper with some color of some sort (pastels, watercolor, etc.) 2. Add birds or something to animate the scene. 3. Stand back and accept whatever comes out. 4. Don’t fuss and then move on.

Between Heaven and Hell

Prometheus or Pieta

Falling Birds

Sea Urchins

When traveling, I leave my paints at home and use colored pencils more. As usual, I was up early, this time in Brunswick, Maine at my mother-in-law’s. After brewing coffee for everyone, I settle in her favorite chair and look out the windows to her well-designed garden. And then the doodling begins.

Praying Mantis & Fruit Flies

A scrap of art paper glued down suggested a fruit bowl filled with overripe persimmons. The mantis is vexed by the cloud of swarming fruit flies. She prefers purity.
(collage, watercolor, ink)

Some examples of 19th and 20th century Mingei style wares below.

Musical Grids

It just occurred to me, the connection between a general fascination with utility poles and the criss-crossing grid of wires and thingamajigs and some abstract grids I’ve been drawing lately. I’m so glad that mystery is solved!
